My Cellulite Solution

A NEW Cellulite Secret Destroys “Cottage Cheese” Thighs That ANY Woman Of ANY Age Can See Smoother and Sexier Legs In Just 28 Days!

What Is Cellulite And How Does It Form?

According to the American Journal of dermatology, a jaw dropping 90% of women suffer from “lumpy legs”. The orange peel skin appearance stops millions of women from ever baring their legs in public with a sexy new dress or bathing suit at the pool. 

Cellulite is caused by a weakening of the connective tissue beneath the skin surface.  This tissue helps connect and support your skin, muscle and fat cells. Unfortunately, when this tissue becomes weakened it loses elasticity leading to the dreaded lumps and bumps. Why? These vertical connective strands are unable to extend to the skin fully due to the lack of elasticity and instead they become tight, pulling on the skin. This leads to those dreaded dimples as well as bulging fat cells.

The solution to this pesky problem has 3 components…

1). Tone the muscles underneath cellulite affected areas

2). Boost Human Growth Hormone and therefore collagen production within the body.

3). Reduce body fat in cellulite affected areas.

Traditional treatments such as creams, body scrubs and thigh massage devices are nothing more than ‘quick fixes’ that only “plump up” your skin for several hours.

4 Cellulite Myths To Avoid If You Ever Want To Destroy Orange Peel Skin

Myth 1): Bulging Fat Cells

Cellulite does involves excess fat, but there are many supermodels and A-list celebrities that don’t have an ounce of fat on their body’s, yet they still have cellulite. So why does this happen?

Bulging fat cells are part of the equation, but it’s really the connective fibers between your skin and muscle that create the lumpy, dimpling effect. Collagen fiber strands that attach skin to muscle pull down the layer of skin and create those unsightly, dimpled pockets.

Myth 2): Preparation H

Preparation H is normally used for hemorrhoids, although some women have been using this cream in attempt to smooth out cellulite. They claim you just need to smother Preparation H on to the troublesome patches of cellulite and it vanishes.

The reality is that an older version of Preparation H was able to tighten skin for 12-24 hours, but prolonged use leads to the skin becoming thinner and cellulite being more visible.

Myth 3): Coffee Scrubs

Often in spa’s, they scrub used coffee beans on your thighs to “help with cellulite”. The caffeine does helps widen blood vessels and the scrubbing motion increases circulation, plumping up the skin and making cellulite look less obvious. But this is an extremely short term effect and doesn’t target the root cause of cellulite.

Myth 4): “Blasting” Devices

“Blasting” is relatively new on the scene and is said to reduce cellulite by reducing the knots in connective tissue. While this isn’t a bad thing, any improvement in the appearance of cellulite is short lived and largely caused by increased blood flow to the surrounding muscle tissue in the problem area.

What Is My Cellulite Solution?

My Cellulite Solution is an exercise and diet program designed to reverse the appearance of cellulite in 28 days (although it is recommended to use it for a sustained period of time for more severe cellulite). This solution can be used by ANY woman at ANY age to see visibly smoother legs in just 28-days.

The human growth hormone is heavily linked to the body’s collagen production. As we age, human growth hormone rapidly declines, damaging the connective tissue that supports your skin and resulting in dimples on the hips, butt and thighs. 

This method naturally boosts collagen stores all while toning and tightening the areas affected by cellulite in a unique 3-step system called Cellulite Elimination Training™  

Cellulite Elimination Training™

This 3-step system revolves around 3D movements, tempo training and specific movement sequences that help tackle cellulite at the route cause. It uses specific movements with plenty of modifications for beginners or more advanced levels and claims that if you stick to the routines you’ll get noticeable results in just 7-9 days.

  • Step 1): 3D Movement Technology

Stimulate all lower body muscles using movements that work the body through different planes of motion.

  • Step 2): Tempo Training

Target both slow and fast twitch muscle fibers by varying the tempo of specific exercises and routines to boost your “youth hormones”.

  • Step 3): Unique Movement Sequencing

Combine specific exercises and tempos to optimize the reduction of cellulite.

Traditional gym exercises only focus on 2-dimensional movements, which neglect certain muscles and in order to reverse cellulite fully you need to use 3-dimensional movements that tone all your lower body muscles, so that they gently lift the  fat cells and connective tissue, making the outer layer of the skin tighter. Plus by following this simple formula you can stimulate the necessary muscle fibers in your lower body, melt away stubborn fat and strengthen existing connective tissue, so that you have smoother and sexier legs for years to come.

Reference: My Cellulite Solution

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